Monday, September 8, 2014

New Shawlette

The Dragon's Rest shawlette is finished!  Here it is blocking on a sheet of cardboard.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Mr. Bubu

One year and two days ago, we brought Mr. Bubu home with us. He has been fun, mischevious, affectionate and stuck to us like glue. Bebe has her paws full.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Quiet time

It's been almost 18 months since my last entry.  I've been trying to reclaim the 'quiet' life.  Since my contract with the photo agency ended earlier this year, I've been concentrating on getting back to normal life.  While covering movie premieres and celebrities events for the past five years will forever be a highlight in my life, the reality check when it came hasn't been easy. It was a crazy, awesome ride and I met tons of cool people, a few not-so-cool people, a few celebrities who were very very kind to me and a few who were not, but now is the time to get back to my regularly scheduled programming.

I've been knitting a lot; I've churned out some beautiful socks lately.  I've made a few infinity scarves and cowls, become a regular at a LYS, and become a bit more picky about my yarn.  Sorry, Joann and Michael's, but life is too short to use crappy yarn.  I've found a local dyer who dyes beautiful yarns in stunning colors.  (  I'm very excited that she's back from her maternity leave and back to dyeing again.  Can't wait to see what she has next month in Torrance!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I haven't been a very good blogger lately.

Hello and sorry to have been ignoring my blog for so long.  I've never been a particularly avid writer, but today warrants a special message.  Johnny Depp.

He was awesomely handsome as always.  *Gush*

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"John Carter"

Last night, I had the opportunity to attend an early presentation of "John Carter" courtesy of The Los Angeles Times Hero Complex and Disney Studios. It was AWESOME! 

I really enjoyed the story, the casting was perfect and the cinematography is excellent. I feel it is one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time. It had just the right balance of drama, action, comedy and romance.  I am certain I will go see it again when it is released in the theatres and I would like to recommend my readers go watch it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


At 50 grams and 210 meters, there isn't enough to make a pair of socks for myself.  So, this begs the question: shall I make a beanie, or shall I make fingerless mitts?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day beanie

Today is Valentine's Day so I finished my Big Button Hat designed by Amy Duvendack (Bad Amy Knits). It's really getting too warm to wear beanies and scarves in SoCal, except at night.